Creek Side is kicking off the new season hosting a family friendly St. Patrick’s Day Celebration on Tuesday March 17 from 4:00-5:30pm. What a wonderful opportunity to celebrate with your kids and/or grandkids in the relaxed, fun, festive, friendly atmosphere of your community Greenhouse.
Proudly featuring, for the fourth consevutive year, the McTeggart Irish Dancers performing from 4:30-5:00pm. These talented young ladies, in colorful traditional costumes, will put on a fun and high energy show on a wooden floor in the greenhouse. If you have not had the opportunity to see the McTeggart Irish Dancers perform live before, you are really missing out on a special performance.
In addition to the McTeggart Irish Dancers, Creek Side will provide Irish music that you may find irresistible to dance to your own Irish jig. Plus, light Irish snacks, refreshments and goodies to help keep you going. Scavenger hunt to keep the kids active.Not to mention, GREEN light specials in the GREENhouse on GREEN plants.
Let us know you are coming here.
Creek Side Gardens features FREE Community Events like this thoughout the season. See schedule here.
Planting in the Greenhouse Update
This week we saw planting completion of the large combination bowls on the floor in House 2, right off the courtyard. More and more Grown Fresh hanging baskets of all sizes and shapes are now being planted including Calibrachoa/ Million Bells, Osteo Daisy and mixed color Callie and Petunia combos. The early season six pack planting is under way as well including pansies and violas, snapdragons, dianthus plus a few of the summer annulas that take a little longer to grow like begonias, celosia, dusty miller, gazania, ageratum and vinca.
Grown Fresh Perennials are moving down to a cooler house so that we can begin the conditioning necessary to get them ready for cool season planting beginning in April. Creek Side is growing an especially wide selection of new perennial varieties to help keep our gardening pursuits interesting. Check our the Perennial Plant Association 2020 Plant of the Year – Aralia ‘Sun King’