Plant & Gardening Trends

Spring Garden Cleanup Tips

March is a great time to get out into your garden and lawn areas and assess what can be done now for the upcoming season. Garden Beds Remove leaves and debris from the garden and raised beds. Apply a pre-emergent such as Preen for weed control. If you didn’t cut back plants in the fall, now is the time to remove dead flowers and leaves.... Read More

Cool Season Weed Control

Weed/wed/ noun a wild plant growing where it is not wanted and in competition with cultivated plants. A plant out of place. Now is the perfect time to nip it in the bud, figuratively and literally.  Work extra hard now to control weeds and life will be a little easier down the road. In the Garden Pre-emergent – Preen Application Tips First remove any existing... Read More

Vegetable Garden Planning

Vegetables can be demanding plants. Whereas ‘weeds’ can scratch a living anywhere, vegetables require attention. Most need fertile soil, protection from wind, regular watering, and some help to defend themselves against pests. You cannot simply dig a hole in the ground, plant your veg, and expect it to thrive.  A little planning before planting your vegetable garden will go a long way in helping to... Read More

Landscape Plants and Design Part 2

Plan to plant perennial plants and shrubs for landscape and Water Wise Gardening Now that you have a plan it is time to think about what you want to plant. Tree and shrub selection, perennials, and hardscaping. Creek Side offers over 400 varieties of perennials including sun/shade, hot/dry, pollinator plants, ornamental grasses and xeric plants. Considerations: *Sun or Shade, East, West, North or South, Wind... Read More

Landscape Planning and Design Part 1

Plan & Design Consider Water Wise Plants Microclimates Color, Height, Seasonal Bloom Start a garden journal by jotting down layout ideas, plant material, etc. Consider what type of garden you would like. Familiarize yourself with the microclimates for YOUR landscape (hot, dry, shady, sunny, windy). Photograph the area you’re planning to design. Then research, analyze, question, and brainstorm ideas for the area. Draw a rough... Read More

Houseplant Care

The “secret” to success with taking care of house plants is to create the same ideal conditions as they would enjoy in their native habitat. Indoor Plant Lighting Wondering what plant to put where? Here’s an indoor plant lighting guide to four categories of light exposure for house plants. Sunny (direct sun) location? Within 2 feet of a south- or southwest-facing window. Window sills flooded... Read More

More Longest Flowering Perennials

A well-designed garden provides interest from early spring through late autumn, and beyond if you also select plants for winter structure. But, for the main growing season, much of that interest comes from flowering and foliage plants.  Most perennial plants flower for two to four weeks, but the longest flowering perennials, like coneflowers and catmint, measure their flowering period in months, not weeks. The Longest... Read More

Early Spring Plan and Prep

More snowfall than average so far for January and February.  Everything in the landscape will appreciate the moisture.  Had our share of polar temperatures as well.  And we know we have more cold temperatures and snow ahead. So, what do we early gardening enthusiasts do?  Let us do what we know works for early to mid-March gardening and landscape care in the Rocky Mountain region. ... Read More

Organic Vegetable Gardening

When we think of eating healthy, it may be the thought of eating organic produce or fresh home-grown organically grown vegetables.  Because we would like to know where our food comes from and that it has not been sprayed with chemicals. Plants that have not been sprayed with chemicals is an important component of organic growing.  But another component of the organic equation is how... Read More

Low Water Shrubs for Colorado

There are many benefits to using Colorado native shrubs for home and commercial landscapes. Colorado native shrubs are naturally adapted to their specific Colorado climate, soils, and environmental conditions.  You can create a lush, attractive native landscape utilizing native shrubs and perennials. Another benefit of using Colorado natives in landscapes is that they may attract a wide variety of wildlife including mammals, birds, and butterflies.... Read More