From season to season means Creek Side Gardens rolls through the seasons from spring to summer to fall and continues into the Holiday season, don’t miss these upcoming events!
Creek Side Community Artists
The Fifth Creek Side Community Artists event will be held Saturday November 2 from 10am-3pm. Many of last year’s exhibitors will be on hand, plus a great group of new and original crafters. Check out the lineup for this year’s exhibitors here.
For the weekend of the Community Artists, the newly decorated Christmas at Creek Side Indoor Living Gift and Home Décor Boutique will be featuring all the trappings of the holiday season. This will be a great time to check out the holiday ornaments, candles, towels and holiday décor when you come to visit the Community Artists.
Small Business Saturday
Small Business Saturday on Saturday November 30 will kick off the Creek Side Holiday spectacle! The Glasshouse will be filled with all the different colors of Poinsettias and Christmas Cactus and Holiday Blooming Plants you can think of. Our fresh cut crop of Christmas trees, wreaths, greens, and garland, in all shapes and sizes will be on display, ready to decorate your home.
Creek Side Holiday Magic
Creek Side Holiday Magic will be held the evening of Friday December 6. Bring your family to Creek Side for a Magical Holiday evening. Select your Christmas tree and enjoy hot cider, hot chocolate, cookies and ‘smores around the firepit. Santa will be in the house to visit with your children and hand out candy canes. Enjoy all the fresh floral delights of a Holiday Winter Festival including fresh Christmas Trees, Wreaths, Garland, Greens, Poinsettias, Christmas cactus and our Indoor Living Gift & Home Decor Boutique decorated like a Winter Wonderland from top to bottom.
If you have attended a Creek Side event in the past, we welcome you back. If you have never attended a free Creek Side Event, there is still time this year for you to participate. All you must do is mark your favorite event on the calendar and then come on over. Don’t miss out on the fun and we’ll see you soon!