Pansies and early annual flowers
Pansies and violas are the perfect annual flower for planting in April. Everybody loves their cheerful and colorful smiling flower faces in the early season. Plant pansies in April because they love the cool, bright growing conditions that April offers. They are very cold temperature tolerant and will withstand whatever Mother Nature throws our way now. Freezing temperatures, snow, rain and wind in April will not kill them. Temperatures into the lower to mid-20’s may burn the flowers, but they can be removed and new flower buds will take their place and keep blooming.
Pansies can be planted in ground beds in the landscape or in container gardens for placement on your porch or patio. Remember to keep the plants watered on these warm spring days. A fertilizer application with Jack’s fertilizer will keep them growing and flowering all spring and into the summer months.
Our Creek Side Grown Fresh crop of pansy and viola plants are at the perfect stage for planting right now. Sturdy plants loaded with big flowers will brighten up any location. Choose from nine individual colors and four mixes to find just the right color combination for your design preferences.
More Creek Side early season annual selections for planting outside in April include snapdragons (tall, medium or short), dianthus dwarf mix, alyssum (white or purple) and dusty miller. Mix all together to create an awesome combination patio or porch flower container garden.
Early Vegetables
Cool season vegetable crops should be planted in April. They will tolerate frosty temperatures and grow best when the temperatures are cool. This group includes lettuce and leafy greens, radishes, carrots, beets, peas, onions, potato, cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli and kale among others.
Direct sow seeds into the ground for lettuce and greens, radishes, carrots, beets, peas. Read the instructions on the seed packet for information about seed sowing depth in the soil, spacing of seeds and rows or plants and time to germination. Cover seeds with soil and tamp down firmly. Water regularly to keep seeds moist until germination begins. Seed starting info here.
Use starter plants for cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli, kale, rhubarb, onions sets and potato tubers. This will result in a much earlier harvest than sowing seeds for these crops directly outdoors. Vegetable bulb info here.
Creek Side offers a great selection of vegetable seeds and bulbs. In addition to seeds and bulbs, our Creek Side Grown Fresh vegetable starter plants are ready to go. Choose from broccoli, brussels sprout, cabbage, cauliflower, kohlrabi, kale and peas.
Grown Fresh Perennials ready to go!
April is the perfect month for planting perennials. The large Creek Side crop for 2020 is ready to go. Stop by to see what is new and blooming now! More perennial info here. More perennial garden planning info here